Sunday, June 28, 2009  

[In-camp training...]

I'll be away for in-camp training from the 29th to the 4th.

This is my last official low-key in-camp. I have a summary of the training programme. Seems a bit lighter compared to my previous in-camps. Then again, my NS unit is quite on, so you never know. A lot of people enjoy going back for in-camp because they don't have much to do and it was relaxing. Not the case for me.

Right now, I'm still considering a last-min decision on whether or not to rent a car.

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:29 AM. 0 comments.
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Saturday, June 27, 2009  

[I did a silly thing...]

I was waiting for my sister at SIX. This place sells female accessories...Something like Aries. They had a small collection of rings for guys.

I tried a few on. They didn't fit. I finally found one that did. It slipped on easily enough....

But it got stuck when I tried taking it off.

I pulled with all my might and was able to finally get it off. Phew. It was only later that I realised while pulling the ring, the nail on my left index finger was slightly "lifted" from my finger. There was blood. It didn't hurt when I was panicking about the stuck ring because I was otherwise preoccupied. Hurt like hell after.

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:19 PM. 3 comments.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009  

[Bits and pieces...]

Over the past two days at work, two different colleagues have asked me if something was wrong. They both say I smile less and have had a more serious look of late.

I don't know how others do it. Honestly, there's no way to tell if they are happy or upset. They always look the same. Smile on their face, come what may. But when you get them on MSN, all the %$@##$!@$ comes out.

Me? The look on my face changes with my mood.

Ever read an article about bad breath? This is a topic of interest that comes up every once in a while. On health-related websites, newspapers, forums, etc. They come up with all sorts of reasons on why it happens and how to prevent it. Most of them neglect one of the most common reasons: You're hungry.

I know when my breath's funky. It always happens close to lunchtime when I'm hungry. No matter how much water I drink, it won't be enough. Breath mints help a little, I think. That's why I always eat a small a piece of fruit...about 20 minutes before lunchtime.

There's this colleague at work whom I thought was somewhat attractive. That boat has sailed, so it doesn't matter. But something happened today that greatly reduced her attractive index to me.

I caught a whiff of her hunger-related bad breath.

It wasn't pretty. I was actually leaning in at the time to listen to her as she was speaking in a hushed tone.

Who said girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice?

If you have a blog, I have two pieces of advice for you.

One, if you're going to blog about your day all the time, you better have a really exciting life.

Two, don't moderate comments. Let them be. People want to see their comments when they click Submit. They don't want to come back later for it. How many abusive comments do you get anyway?

But hey, it's your blog. You can do whatever you want with it.

One last thing, do not use your real name on your blog. Seriously. Don't. It makes it easy for stalkers.

How do I know? Because I'm a stalker. it's common sense.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:16 PM. 0 comments.
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Monday, June 22, 2009  

[Old mai gor!]

My parents are hooked on the Taiwanese version of Don't Forget The Lyrics. Me? I can't stand Taiwanese variety shows. They shout every single thing, the girls act cute, have shrill voices, and the guys are all built like girls.

I don't know what happened to Boyzone, but times must be bad for them as they are on the show right now. I wonder how they feel, being on the show. If it were me, I would be really annoyed. Why?

Because they called us "Boy-SONE".

Because they keep saying "old mai gor!" for no good reason.

Because when we picked "You Needed Me" by Anne Murray, you guys asked if we were sure we wanted to sing this one, as it was a "girl's song". We covered this song in 1999 you manglers of the English language...

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:20 PM. 0 comments.
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[The world is spinning...]

I woke up this morning and I had possibly the worst giddy spell ever. I went back to bed, and got up earlier to go see my GP. He gave me some pills, and an MC for today.

He asked me several questions to try and find out what caused the giddiness. I answered them to the best of my ability but I knew what was the real reason.

My quality of sleep for the past three weeks has been affected. Stress at work, in my personal life, impending ICT, etc. Coupled with all the activities I've got going on on weekends, I'm simply not getting enough rest.

I'm still feeling a little light-headed. In any case, I really needed some time off. I haven't had any time off since I started work in May last year. This is so different from Uni...When we were on holiday one-third of the time.

I'm gonna enjoy this day. Except for the giddiness (and a little sleepiness), I'm totally fine. Finally, a chance to take an afternoon nap on a weekday. Hahaha!

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:42 AM. 1 comments.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009  

[So much for my...]

Buffy and Angel. Romeo and Juliet. Jack and Rose. Peter Parker and Mary-Jane. Michael Scofield and Sara Tancredi.

Heroes don't get happy endings.

^^^ by Locksley @ 1:49 AM. 0 comments.
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Thursday, June 18, 2009  


I'm in a supermarket with my sister. For some reason, I was looking for ice-cream and they were all melted. I looked around. The place doesn't look like a supermarket. It looks more like a void deck. Or a bomb shelter.

I'm now looking for something else. I cannot remember what. My sister went to look for something. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I look around, the place has changed. Now it looks like the inside of a void deck provision shop. Old, dark, and smells funny. Weird. Why are there so many people in a provision shop? And why do these places always smell like salted fish?

I'm looking for my sister. I can't find her. There's some commotion going on, I'm not sure what happened. My aunt suddenly appears. The gossip-hound....She knows everything. Word travels fast on the auntie-information-superhighway.

She tells me someone committed suicide. Outside. That's what all the fuss was about.

Suddenly, the provision shop disappears and I'm at the void deck of my block. Lots of people are around me, all trying to see what happened. My view was blocked by a pillar. I thought about whether or not do I want to see someone who just jumped. It can't be pretty. I've always thought that I would want to see stuff like this...God knows I've seen enough pictures of these things online. Now my chance...And I'm worried about throwing up. I thought about the paramedics...They see shit like this everyday.

Okay, one peep at a time. I recognise her. She takes the same bus as me every morning. She wears too much makeup, which did not match her skin tone. Instead of looking nice, she looks like someone threw a pie at her. Her face is so fat that she has a permanent frown on her face.

Attractive. Not.

As it turns out, she's not dead. Yet. She looked up and cursed everyone who was there. Why were we looking and not helping? Something along those lines. People start to leave. Who the hell wants to be cursed by a dying suicide victim?

I leave with the crowd, the curses of that woman still ringing in my ears.

In case you're wondering, that's a dream nightmare I had last night. I woke up then and checked the time. 3:06am.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm insanely tired. But I can't sleep. I'm rather anxious about what might be changing at work, and it's keeping me from getting a good night's sleep. The scary nightmares didn't help. I had another nightmare of sorts after I went back to sleep, but I couldn't remember what happened.

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:57 PM. 0 comments.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009  

[Price fixing...]

Have you ever wondered...

Why haven't they looked at the taxi industry yet? Seriously.

Think about this...

It's a hot day and an ice-cream seller decided to eat an ice-cream while waiting for customers. The ice-cream he ate cost 50 cents and he sells it for $1.50. How much money did he "lose"?

I thought of this after seeing an ice-cream seller having an ice-cream outside Sim Lim Square. I don't think there's a right answer, what do you think?

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:04 PM. 0 comments.
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Saturday, June 13, 2009  

[White brow...]

I have a friend from Uni who has a white eyebrow. Not the whole thing, but some parts of it were white. It was odd. We called him "peh moh", which meant white hair.

Now I realise I have the same thing as he did. Except that it's more subtle. A white hair would grow out from my left eyebrow. This hair does not play well with the other hairs in my eyebrow. It would grow straight and after some time, I can see it out of the corner of my eye, flapping in the wind. I've plucked it a few times but it keeps coming back.

One single straight white hair, growing out from my brow.


^^^ by Locksley @ 11:42 AM. 1 comments.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009  

[Breaking up the band...]

There has been some developments at work. My team is likely to be split up. I don't know where I'd end up. Uncertainty creates stress. Maybe I should start smoking or something.

To be honest, I haven't been happy at work for the last couple of days, ever since I found out about the impending changes. With that hanging over my head, I'm pissed off by every single thing. I came close to losing my temper again yesterday. I wonder when will I finally snap.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:51 PM. 1 comments.
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Sunday, June 07, 2009  

[Unleash the soft toys!]

There are no lack of funny signs at WWE events. Once in a while, I see one that makes me laugh out loud. This was one of them:

Unleash the furry! Hahaha!

It's been about four months since my Lasik surgery. It is honestly the best thing I ever bought myself. If you're still fumbling around with glasses or contact lens, consider Lasik. You won't be disappointed.

My eyes are no longer as dry as they were immediately after the procedure. I practically no longer use the eye-drops. I still use the moisturising eye gel once in a while, usually late at night.

Some of the biggest quality-of-life improvements for me include not having to put my glasses on in order to see what time it is when I wake up in the mornings, being able to see things properly in the bathroom when I'm taking a shower, not having to bother with wearing contact lens before going for a run, and finally being able to see what the barber is doing when I go get my hair cut.

Doesn't sound like much, but for someone who's been wearing glasses since he was six, it's a really big deal. I'll be going for reservist in a few weeks' time. It's going to be much more convenient without having to wear glasses.

^^^ by Locksley @ 12:54 PM. 2 comments.
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Thursday, June 04, 2009  

[Laugh. Out. Loud!]

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:48 PM. 0 comments.
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Wednesday, June 03, 2009  

[I bang you, you bang me...]

A new car insurance framework is being proposed...

...and it was the conversation topic of choice during lunch. I don't know much about this topic so I wasn't really paying attention and was talking to my other colleague (we were the only ones who don't own a car) about other things. It was loud in the food-court, but I heard some snippets of the conversations between my colleagues.

Guy A: I bang you, then ...[whatever]...
Girl B: Yes, you bang me ...[whatever]...
[I didn't catch the stuff here]
Guy A: What if I bang you?
Girl B: I buy insurance not because I scared I bang you, but because you bang me.

There sure is a lot of banging going on at work.

By the way, what does it say about me when the only parts I overhear are the parts that sound dirty?

I overheard something at work today. Something about how my job scope may change in the near future. It's either that, or I would have to work with new colleagues.

There are some things at work that are just simply out of your control. This is one of them. My cubicle is outside the Director's office, so I hear a lot of juicy stuff. This is one of them. Immediately after the incident, my supervisor pulled me to one side to discuss what I overheard. As it turns out, he already knew about the possibility, as did my colleague.

I was kinda pissed.

Maybe they had their reasons for not telling me. After all, it was really still too early to know what would happen. But having to find out the way I did was just...sick.

I don't know what's going to happen. One day at a time. One pay-check at a time.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:19 PM. 0 comments.
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Tuesday, June 02, 2009  

[Previously, on LOST...]

I wonder if it's too soon to make an Air France joke. It probably is.

We have acronyms for everything in Singapore. Too many to mention. With so many acronyms, sooner or later, something funny and unintended is bound to happen. Take for example....At work, we have this organisation which is supposed to look into capability development. Its acronym is the same as that of a mental illness condition. I actually have some traits of this condition. I read somewhere that it might be heredity. In my case, I'm pretty sure it is.

But this is something else. When I saw it for the first time, I thought it was a joke. It's an acronym for some productivity improvement nonsense. When I found out the acronym wasn't a joke, it got even funnier.

For those who are unaware as to why it's funny, you might want to take a look at this.

"Pride Day" has a drastically different meaning in other parts of the world.

When The Straits Times started publishing more letters online, I thought it would be a good forum for people to voice out their concerns and bring up issues where we need more awareness. I was wrong. The online version of the forum page turned out to be mostly a complaint forum. Some of the stuff they publish are downright ridiculous.

There are several examples from recent days, but let's just take this for example. You fractured your elbow. Boo-freakin'-hoo. What did you expect people passing by to do? Touch your elbow and heal you? Or do you just want someone to sayang you? If an ambulance has been called, then that's pretty much it, isn't it? Unless there are people walking around with a magical healing touch, you're pretty much out of luck.


^^^ by Locksley @ 10:27 PM. 0 comments.
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