Friday, March 20, 2015
[Telco woes...]
I've been with M1 for the longest time, since I got my first mobile phone when I was in Polytechnic way back in 2000. I have been with them since then, except for a period of 2-3 years in-between when I switched to SingTel as they had a more attractive plan. I've also used Starhub's mobile broadband for a while. Of the three telcos, I'm really most happy with M1's mobile services.
However, something happened recently that made me extremely frustrated with M1.
I signed up for their mobile broadband last month, jumping over from Starhub. There is nothing to complain about with regard to the mobile broadband service itself, which has been superb.
The problem arose when I received the first bill. The amount I was charged was way more than what was listed on the website. I called their customer service, and they promised to get back to me in a few days.
When they failed to get back to me after more than a week, I called them back and was told the same thing - that they will check and get back to me. When someone finally did, I was asked to go down to one of their M1 Shops to sign a form. Apparently, during the sign-up process, the person who handled my case left out a form, leading to some discounts not applied.
I went down to their M1 Shop and signed the form. The person who I dealt with could not tell me anything about what would happen after that, simply asking me to call the customer service number for any queries I had. That was disappointing. I would expect the front-line staff to know the situation and be prepared for the basic queries a customer would have in that situation.
I received my second bill yesterday. I am still being charged way more than what is listed on their website. Looks like whatever I signed last month was not processed in a timely manner, if at all. I called, and was again promised that someone would look into it and get back to me.
This is most disappointing. My experience with M1 has been good thus far, but this really puts a damper on things.
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:00 PM.
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Sunday, March 15, 2015
^^^ by Locksley @ 10:49 AM.
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Thursday, March 05, 2015
[Old school...]
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:37 PM.
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Sunday, March 01, 2015
^^^ by Locksley @ 5:01 PM.
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