Sunday, October 30, 2005  

[Girls and sports don't mix...]

I watched Manchester United play one of their worst games ever last night against Boro. It's like watching an S-League team play. Lost 4-1, conceded the first goal in the 2nd minute.

My sister was watching the game with me. In the past, she's come up with some really silly suggestions to change the game, and last night was no different. After seeing the managers on the sidelines shouting instructions to the players, she came up with another brilliant plan....That the job of the manager when the game was in progress was to sneak another player, the 12th player, onto the field. Have him warm up by the sidelines, then jog outside the area of play. After a while, jog on the line, and when the officials aren't looking, sneak onto the field and pretend that he's been in the game this whole time.

If this wasn't enough....She went on to suggest sneaking a remote-controlled ball onto the pitch instead of the regular ball. Then the manager could sit on the sidelines and control the game, for real. I was like...How the hell are you going to remotely control the ball? The laws of physics does not really allow a ball to move on it's own in directions you choose without actually touching the ball. She went on to suggest making a ball that would sprout wings in mid-flight so that direction could be controlled, and the wings would retract once the ball hits the ground.

Yes, this is what I have to deal with, on a daily basis. Yes, I live longer because I laugh more.

On another topic, I applied to AlternateURL to have ads shown on my Adsense when Google could not find appropriate ads for me. Adsense actually does not work very well on my blog, because it's strength was in finding ads that match the theme of the page it's on. My blog has no clear theme...Every post is different. When no ads can be matched to my blog, a Public Service Announcement is shown. AlternateURL provides ads when a PSA is shown.

Anyway, I was turned down by AlternateURL, and this was the email they sent:

Thank you for your application to the AlternateURL program.

We have reviewed your site:

Unfortunately, we cannot accept your site into the network for one or more reasons. These include:
- Low traffic
- Foreign Content
- Adult Content
- Warez

We regret that
we cannot include your site at this time. Please feel free to register other sites, or resubmit your site for review at a later date. Thank you.

The AlternateURL Team

Geez...How would they know the traffic status of my blog? Foreign content? Since when is English foreign? Best of all....I seem to have adult content. If I have adult content, then my traffic would not be low. And I can't believe they managed to find warez on my blog...I mean seriously, WTF!?

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:12 AM. 0 comments.
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