Tuesday, August 19, 2014  

[The problem with mortality...]

I’m watching Cosmos now. I’m nearing the end. The last episode I watched was one about global warming.

The facts speak for themselves. Global warming is real. And we are the cause of it. The facts and impact on the environment is startling to say the least. If I recall correctly, there hasn’t been this much CO2 pumped into our atmosphere for the past million years.

Confronted with all the facts, evidence and projections of what could happen, why then are we, humanity, not taking action? I suppose it can be argued that we are, but I feel that whatever we are doing now, it not enough. So why aren’t we doing more? Why aren’t Governments doing more?

I think the reason is because compared to the lifespan or timescale of the universe, our lives are but just a blink. We have no incentive to change our ways for the better because we won’t be the ones who have to live with the consequences. It will be our children, our grandchildren, or maybe when our great-grandchildren.

If we knew that we would have to confront the consequences of our actions in our lifetime, I’m sure our responses, by now, would have been very much different. We would not be continuing to exploit our planet for short-term monetary gains. We would be trying to restore the balance, to fix what we’ve broke.

I hope we won't go down in history as the generation who screwed Earth up for all subsequent generations.

^^^ by Locksley @ 5:02 PM. 0 comments.
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