Sunday, January 20, 2013
[A different perspective...]
This topic is raised in the press fairly often. And usually, the reporting is rather one-sided. The politically-correct side, of course.
I shall offer a different perspective.
Just because someone looks like an able-bodied person, does not mean he or she is so. I have a slipped disc and it hurts my back when I have to stand for a long time. The problem is worse when standing on buses with sloped floors, as my back has to adjust and basically "absorb" the difference in the angle on the floor I am standing on. Who's to say that I don't need the seat as much as a pregnant woman or an elderly person?
When I know I am in for a long bus ride and I would like to have a seat, I make the effort to travel to bus-stops ahead of my rightful stop to increase my chances of getting a seat. If I get a seat, great. If not, too bad. If I wanted a guaranteed seat, I would take a cab.
Society don't owe you anything. If you want a seat, do something about it. Take concrete steps to increase your chances. Don't expect people to give up their seats to you just because you are pregnant or you are old.
^^^ by Locksley @ 1:47 PM.
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