Wednesday, June 13, 2012
[So much pain...]
This morning began like any other. I woke up, had breakfast, took a shower, got dressed and got ready to go to work. I put my work bag on one of my old chairs, and when I bent over slightly to pick it up, I heard a crack in my back.
I have a torn disc in my back. This was the cause of the back-pain I have been suffering all these years, starting around the time I completed my NS.
I was in so much pain today and could not stand up straight. I could not walk properly neither. Small moments caused intense pain in my back. I finished up the urgent matters in office and took afternoon leave and came home to rest.
I have a lot of mixed emotions right now.
I am angry. I am 100% certain that this was due to what I had to do during NS. The only thing is, I have no way of proving it. I sacrificed two and a half years of my life for my country and I am left in my current state...Does my country care?
They give free University education to foreigners, and we get saddled with a huge loan fresh out of school. No job, and a huge debt to clear. They import huge numbers of foreigners, choke our roads with cars, drive up property prices, push our public transport infrastructure to its limits. They price us out in the job market; there is simply no way for us to compete with the low pay the foreigners are willing to work for, for that amount will make them millionaires back home. They saddled us with the burden of in-camp trainings, ops manning, IPPT, and RT. Male foreigners have no such obligations.
I am worried. I am only 30-years old this year. If the condition of my back is as such now, what will happen to me when I am 50? When I am 60? Will I be bed-ridden? Will I be in a wheel-chair? Should I go for surgery? What if I become paralysed? Will I be able to pick up my kids in the future and carry them in my arms?
Somebody should pay for the state that I am in. I just don't think it should be me.
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:01 PM.
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