Sunday, March 04, 2012
I'm in the middle of a high-key ICT, the first one since my downgrade.
While my downgrade has not been finalised (the new PES status will only be known sometime in May), I have been excused from most activities, so much so that my time in ICT is spent either sleeping, eating, or going to the e-mart. I'm even able to come home every evening.
This has always been what I wanted when I was a combat-fit personnel. Now that I'm not...I realised that being downgraded isn't all that it's cracked up to be. While I am glad I no longer have to train, because my back really cannot take it anymore, the boredom in camp is killing me.
I've taken to getting little sleep on my own time so that when I go back to camp, I could sleep the day away. So far, it seems to be working.
One more week to go.
^^^ by Locksley @ 1:33 PM.
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