Saturday, November 05, 2011  


After two years, my Bugatti Veyron of a desktop is dead.

When I bought it two years ago, I picked the second fastest chip on the consumer market. It was a monster. It still is, actually. I could have saved it if I wanted to (I am fairly certain I know which part died), but I really don't see the point anymore. Going forward, I don't think I will ever have a desktop again. I will most likely just stick to laptops. My new flat will not be as spacious as my parents' place so I might as well move on.

There was a time when I believed that I will always have a desktop. Laptops just do not have enough juice...But I must say they have caught up. The average laptop is good enough for my purposes these days - surfing the Internet and watching movies.

End of an era, I must say.

I got engaged two weeks ago. That was about the same time my desktop died. It was the same day Manchester United got hammered 6-1 by Manchester City.

The two latter things aside, the next phase of my life is about to begin. I'm feeling excited and apprehensive at the same time.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:38 PM. 0 comments.
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