Saturday, September 25, 2010
[Disgusting people...] Shortly after, I was on another bus and this time, I was seated at the last row. On the other end, was this champion... He took off his shoes and put them next to the window. There is a small "ledge" on the left side of the bus if you're sitting in the last row. That's where his shoes were. He spent the entire time like this. With his eyes closed, and he kept brushing his hair with his fingers. I don't know what's with this guy. Maybe he's high. Who the hell takes their shoes off on the bus? I mean, seriously? What the hell's the matter with you? Due to my change of jobs, I would be carrying a camera phone full-time soon. Hopefully this means there would be more pictures on my blog again. I realise in the past, most posts come without pictures. I still see all sorts of weird shit, but it doesn't make as much sense to blog about them without pictures. I saw a crazy-ass guy on the bus the other day. There was no way I could describe what he did using words alone. If only I had my camera phone with me then. The pictures would have been epic. Sometimes I wonder...Has there always been this many weirdos in Singapore? Or is it a recent development? What the hell happened? ^^^ by Locksley @ 12:02 AM.