Tuesday, February 23, 2010
[Over the edge...]
I've been thinking about changing my job, on and off, for a while. The pay is good, the benefits are good, it's easy to take leave, the company is supportive of ICT, and my boss allows me to leave early for IPT.
But the job can be retarded at times. Some days, it feels like all I'm doing is copy-and-pasting. It's really more complicated than that, sure, but it still feels retarded. And even though I have voiced my preference regarding the type of work I'm given to both my DD and SM, nothing seems to be happening. If they can't take care of me, then I'm going to have to take care of myself.
This job would be perfect for someone who didn't really care what he did for a living, as long as the pay is good and the job was manageable. I thought I was "someone". I might be wrong.
I received news today regarding the departed manager's replacement. Everything I heard about her so far hasn't been good. It seems that she couldn't get along with the people wherever she went, so she has had experience in several departments. And she never stayed long anywhere.
Would this be the thing that would finally push me over the edge? I don't know. Maybe it's time to start looking for real. I'm working on something else right now, and if I'm successful, it would be another reason to leave.
Whatever it is, I would still need to stick it out for a while. I'm definitely not leaving until I get my PB. I deserve that, considering the shit I went through.
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:38 PM.
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