Wednesday, February 10, 2010  

[I'm not making this up...]

On our staff profile page at work, we are able to add some words about ourselves. Whenever someone I don't know contacts me, more often than not, I will take a look at their profile page to learn a little more about them.

Some profiles are short. Some are long. Some write a lot but said nothing. Some write something for the sake of writing something. Some make you go....What the hell?

One of the profiles I read today said that she "had picked up the skill of web". What the hell does that mean? Is she Spider-man? What she meant to say, was that she has learnt how to design webpages.

Another guy had this to say, "I have three lovely daughters, and a good wife. I have nothing to look forwards."

I guess life didn't out the way he thought it would.

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:54 PM. 0 comments.
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