Wednesday, November 04, 2009  

[Are you home yet?]

Have you ever done this? You went out with a group of friends. It's late when the fun ended and good-byes are exchanged. Before you went on your way, you said:

"Let me know when you reach home."

Have you done this before? I'm sure you have. I have. Now I realise how stupid this is.

When you say this to someone, what you're really saying is, "I can't be bothered enough to send you home, but all the same, let me know when you get home safely so I can sleep in peace."

What if this person never got back to you? Would you be worried? Probably. But will you do anything about it? Probably not. Maybe you're call this person. What if the no one answers? What if the phone is switched off? Will you call this person's house? Do you even have this person's home phone number? Will you risk a false alarm by calling this person's house in the middle of the night?

Either send the person home, or just go home and don't think about it. Don't tell the person to let you know when they are home. That means shit.

More often than not, I can't wait for my phone contract to end because there's always a phone I want to buy. Not this time. I finally got the 2323, which syncs with my 6500s. I'm happy. I'm contented.

And I did something I've never done before (I think). I bought a new battery for my 6500s. That's right...I've used this phone long enough that the battery needs changing. And I bought a new battery because I have no intention of changing phones anytime soon.

So I opened up the back of the phone to put in the new battery. The last time I opened up the phone was about 18 months ago, when I subscribed to multi-SIM. The amount of lint and dust in the phone was insane. And all I do is put the phone on my table in its little deck-chair and in my pocket. That's it. It's a wonder how the phone doesn't catch fire from all the link and dust when I charge the battery.

If you haven't opened the back of your phone in a while, you might want to. Just to see how dirty it is.

The trip to my office in the morning normally takes about one hour. It took two hours this morning due to some big-ass accident.

Singapore is a small country. And it's really insane that anyone would need to spend two hours travelling to work, accidents on the road notwithstanding. I think this speaks volume about the state of our public transport system. And how it's painfully obvious that our infrastructure, be it traffic, housing, etc, can no longer support the number of people in Singapore.

We need to change.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:01 PM. 0 comments.
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