Tuesday, May 12, 2009
[Getting the facts straight...] Slammed the taxi door on my finger today. Don't know how that happened. I tried to run through what happened in my brain but I just can't see how it happened. I bled. It was painful. Ow. (JF: No, not when I was with you. When I went back later in the afternoon.) I almost lost it at work today. It doesn't take much to set me off. A bit of stress and a bit of unhappiness and boom! Fireworks. I've been there a little over a year...I wonder what would happen if I really lost it one day? Would he give me a little more respect? I've been acting a little dumb so far....Maybe losing it would change his view of me? I've always been a bit of a trouble-maker. I wonder for how long can I hold it back. He's so full of shit sometimes. ^^^ by Locksley @ 8:29 PM.