Wednesday, April 15, 2009  

[Bite bite, wipe wipe...]

I was seated at those face-each-other seats on the bus today. You know, the ones right behind the bus driver? I had the (dis)pleasure of sitting across from a rather disturbed individual.

He was dressed nicely...Like someone with an office job. But the stuff he did...Let's just say I think he belonged in IMH.

For starters, he kept biting his fingers. That's right, his fingers. Not his nails. His fingers. And when he was done, he would rub his fingers on his pants and I swear, I could see the saliva stains. Eeeewwwwww! What the hell is that?

Then, every once in a while, he would yawn without covering his mouth. And not one of those small yawns neither. They were oh-my-God-I-haven't-slept-in-ages, mouth wide open type of yawns. I could see the little bit of flesh (I don't know the name for it) hanging at the back of his throat. Since I was sitting across from him, there was no escaping it. Sure, I could look elsewhere...But if you drive past a car wreck, no matter how mangled everything was, you'd look, wouldn't you?

And to round it off, he talks to himself. No idea what he's saying since I had my MP3 player on. But when people talk to themselves, it's never good.

Wished I had my camera phone with me. I would have taken a million pictures or maybe even a video. I don't think he'd mind. I was staring at him the whole time and he didn't seem to care.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:13 PM. 1 comments.
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maybe he was talking TO you. hehe

and it's "uvula" btw. that little bit of flesh that sits on the strepsils happily.
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