Monday, November 03, 2008  

[Worst half-day of my life...]

People always complain that "today's the worst day of my life". Think about it...Many things happen in a day. The chances of everything going wrong and the day being the "worst" day of your life, is next to impossible.

Worst half-day, on the other hand, sounds more believable.

I did not sleep well last night. I usually don't sleep well on a Sunday night. It's been this way since I was in school. I don't really know why. I suppose it's got something to do with my sleep patterns being mixed up over the weekend and maybe the anticipation of the coming week. In any case, I usually take an antihistamine on Sunday evening that would help me sleep, but I forgot about it yesterday until it was too late and I decided not to take the pill (it would keep me drowsy for about 14 hours).

So I woke up feeling like crap. It didn't help when I realised, halfway to the bus-stop, that there was an insane amount of lint on the inside of my pants' leg. I contemplated going home to change or just try and remove as much of it as I could. Realising I could not remove the lint easily as they were ironed onto the material, I decided to go home and change.

Of course, the smart aleck passed a wtf-what-the-hell-would-you-know comment and I lost it. I changed, and by the time I got to the bus-stop, I've missed two buses. Great.

When I finally got onto the bus, I managed to find a seat. I was still pretty riled up and could not take my usual morning nap. Then someone seated near me probably woke up late and did not have time to take a dump...And proceeded to let one rip every few minutes. It was...unpleasant.

Upon reaching the office, that was when the most trying part of my day played out. I don't know what exactly happens, but once in a while, my laptop gets so busy scanning something that nothing works. CPU cycles are low, but the hard-disk (which is the bottle-neck @ only 4200 RPM) is going crazy. When this happens, all the programs I'm running are "not responding" and even if I did a forced shutdown and boot the laptop up again, the scan would continue. I think that they are probably installing something on the laptop over the network, since I saw msiexec.exe in the Task Manager, but I cannot be sure. Long story short, I forced-shutdown my laptop a total of three times and restarted it properly twice. FYI, the laptop takes about 10 minutes to boot up and load everything properly each time, no thanks to the insane amount of "security" software they have running in the background. So basically, my entire morning was fried.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:11 PM. 0 comments.
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