Monday, November 10, 2008
[It's a beautiful day...]
As usual, I had trouble falling asleep last night. I actually anticipated it this time, and remembered to take the antihistamine. Except this time, for some reason, it didn't work. I did not feel a single bit sleepy after taking half the pill, which is what I always do when I needed help falling asleep. Now I wonder...Maybe all the "active ingredient" are in the other half of the pill.
So anyway, not only did I not sleep well at all, I had a rather bad dream. A nightmare, actually. The funniest (?) thing is, I actually woke up halfway, realised that I was having a nightmare, then promptly went back to sleep and continued with the nightmare. I don't know why.
It was hard falling asleep. It was insanely hot over the weekend and I was sweating a lot. Of course, as luck would have it, it rained like crazy today. Great....I had to endure an insanely hot weekend, then it cooled down on the day I returned to work - where there's air-con. The world's weather has gone insane. Heavy rainfall in May/June, and a heat-wave in November.
So naturally, what with me not sleeping well again, the nightmare I had and how I had some troubling matters on my mind, I was not in the best frame of mind today when I reached my workplace. To top it off, my choice of work-clothes made me look like a SMRT bus driver today. I've made a mental note to remind myself not to wear my purple shirt with my dark navy trousers, but I could not see clearly in the morning when I picked out my trousers. Felt kinda silly....Since I take SMRT buses to and from work.
All these miserable, shitty feelings went away in an instant. The instant my Director came into my cubicle, shook my hand, said congratulations and handed me an envelope.
I got a pay raise. After 6 months on the job, I got a freakin' pay raise.
I did not see this coming. This was one of those one-off, unplanned increase. They pegged the starting pay to industry standards, and adjusted the starting salary for fresh graduates. As I was still considered in the "fresh graduate" category, I got my pay adjusted as well. By quite a considerable amount.
I called Singnet today with the intention of upgrading my service. From 1 Mbps to 3 Mbps. I was still on a 2-year contract, which started in March this year. From what I gathered on their website, I was not allowed to change my plan. But I wondered if that counts if I wanted to upgrade (read: pay more).
Their answer? No, I can't. Unless I pay a penalty charge for "early termination".
What a load of bullshit. First of all, I was not terminating my connection. I wanted to upgrade (read: pay more). But no, they would not make an exception. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised...Their pricing scheme must be dreamed up by madmen. They offer you a promo price for two years, if you sign their contract (which is also for two years). At the end of your contract, if you do not take out another contract, they would automatically charge you the full price of the plan you're on. What a way to repay customer loyalty - charge them more at the end of their contract.
And now they want to impose an "early termination" charge if I wanted to upgrade my plan. Bunch of monkeys...If not for the fact that my previous experience on Starhub cable was so terrible, I would drop Singnet when my contract was up and go back on the big green pipe.
I wonder what would happen if I were to write to the Forum about this...I wonder which standard reply I would get.
^^^ by Locksley @ 9:21 PM.
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