Monday, September 01, 2008  

[Do you believe?]

I received a call from an acquaintance today. In my experience, whenever I'm contacted by an acquaintance, it usually means one of things. One, they need my help. Two, they want to sell me something. For the first one, yeah right. You never bothered to put in the time and call me only because you want my help? As for the second one...


In any case, it seems that Mr. Acquaintance is now a financial planner. I don't think I need to go any further, with regards to what the phone call was about. I told him no, I haven't any money for his products or services. Which is the truth. I'm still paying off my study loans and actually owe my sister money because I couldn't make the first two payments. After deducting the monthly payments and money for my parents, what I'm left with is just slightly more than what I received when I was in NS.

I just read today's papers and guess what was my horoscope for today?


^^^ by Locksley @ 8:46 PM. 0 comments.
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