Saturday, August 30, 2008  

[Why 96%?]

Observe...A ream of A4-sized paper.

Turn it around, and this is what you see:

96% brightness. What is that supposed to mean? And why 96%? Why not 95%? Why not 100%?

What process did they go through that made them arrive at 96%?

The lift landings at BPP have LCD screens installed, showing promotion events, advertisements, etc. One of the things they show, are stock indices. Why? Who cares? By the time you show the indices, they are probably already out-dated and I can't imagine them being useful to anybody. Not to mention that today's a Saturday and the stock markets are closed (aren't they?).

Saw this guy at the bus-stop outside BPP. I would never be caught dead wearing those bermudas. I don't know whether is it because I'm getting older now and my tastes have changed, or is it that what passes for fashionable these days is simply shit.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:32 PM. 2 comments.
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I think it's this.
"what passes for fashionable these days is simply shit."

I have a problem with what he's wearing too though the reason might not be the same as yours. I find that wearing 3/4s in that terrible pattern and showing socks strikes unease in my heart. Slippers would have been more appropriate for that article of clothing.

-- "Cheronne"
[why 96%?] - you think odd things. I think that's good. Makes feel less weird for thinking random things that are just as odd. This thought is one of those odd things.

- Sorry for the 2nd post. You'll find lagging afterthoughts are a running plague with me.
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