Friday, April 25, 2008  

[Silly grapes...]

I know what they meant, but still, I found it rather amusing...

Once broken, consider sold. Not considered. They still need to sleep on it.

In any case, it isn't some decorative glassware or anything. How the hell can you "break" a fridge? Doesn't seem like something that could be done easily. Seriously, I don't think they have anything to worry about.

Then again, they seem to have some really strict rules regarding shopping behaviour...

These water-bottles were not wrapped in plastic. So I guess if someone were to unscrew and open the lid, they would have effectively bought the bottles. This would never stand up in court.

They spelt "seedless" wrong. Say the wrong word out loud. That's right....Crimson silly grapes.

A bunch of cherry shrimps were gathered in the front of my aquarium and I took several photos, including this one.

And then, I killed an insect that was on my fan. Green stuff oozed out of its body after an encounter with rolled-up newspaper. Ewwww...

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:23 PM. 1 comments.
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eeewww.. the green insect looks so gross..
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