Thursday, April 24, 2008  

[The (not so) Great Khali's wrestling school...]

I came across this article that says that The Great Khali is planning to open up a wrestling school in India.

If you don't know who he is, use Google to find an image of him. He was in The Longest Yard with Adam Sandler. And now he's in the WWE. He has no business there if you ask me. They really only wanted him because of his size. He's so bad, it's not even funny. He can't punch right, he can't kick right, and watching his matches make me want to kill myself him.

I can just imagine his wrestling school:

Lesson 1: Chop to the head. Khali's only move, as far as I can remember. I fast-forward his stuff.
Lesson 2: Shouting nonsense.
And then you graduate.

It probably took Khali months to master all this, but if you're a fast learner, you can start after lunch and graduate before dinner.

^^^ by Locksley @ 8:37 PM. 0 comments.
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