Thursday, April 10, 2008
[Exploding brain...]
I can't think on my feet. Or, at the very least, I'm not good at it. I think best when I'm alone, in a quiet place, where I can map out the variables in my head and work through the possibilities. If I know I'm going to have to be in a situation where things can go either way or where I don't know what would happen, my brain would go into over-drive, trying to make out the possibilities beforehand, choosing which conclusion I want the situation to end up at, and then trying to thinking of ways to make it happen.
Because of that, my brain feels like it's going to explode.
The job search hasn't been going well. I should have sent out close to 40 applications by now. I've been to a total of three interviews and was formally rejected for the first two. The last one, I'm guessing I didn't get it neither.
I've got two more interviews lined up next week, which is really the cause of my soon-to-explode brain.
The first one is an MNC which came down to NUS for a recruitment talk a while back. Based on the information I have at this point, it pays rather little, long hours, and the job scope is neither interesting nor boring. It's a complicated situation, but basically, I'm going to be interviewed by people from the department that I don't think I want to be in. So now I'm thinking up of ways to try and position myself in a different way, to have a shot at an interview with the people from other departments. I'm also open to the idea that maybe there is something I can do in said department. I'll just have to ask very "cunning" questions during the interview. I hope I can pull it off. Basically, my objectives would be to find out as much as I could about the department (that I don't think I want to work in) and decide on the spot if that is something I can accept. If so, yay! Otherwise, I would need to lead the conversation and make the interviewers talk about the other departments and make it known that I would be interested in those departments instead.
The next one is a local distributor. I've actually had contact with them in the past when I was working in corporate sales (at company X) before I matriculated in NUS. The job description wasn't very detailed, but based on my knowledge of the company and the applicant requirements, I believe it would be a sales or marketing related job. Or maybe a product manager. I would love to be an IT product manager. I think I would be able to do a good job.
When the HR person called me to arrange the interview for said distributor, she told me to ask for this person when I reached their offices. It didn't occur to me at the time and hit me later - that's the name of someone I worked with at company X! We had the same job title and function (in corporate sales), except that he was way more senior and spent way more time there than I did. It is entirely possible that he's moved on and would be the one interviewing me. I don't know for sure, but his is rather rarely-used English name. He has contacts at the distributor (seeing how we needed to order items from them). He could very well be the one.
I'm not sure if that would be in my favour. I wasn't at company X that long. Didn't make much of an impact. I don't know what they thought of me. Didn't care, to be honest.
Guess we'll see.
^^^ by Locksley @ 10:43 PM.
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