Monday, January 21, 2008
[Dazed and confused...]
I'm taking my driving test in 2 and a half hours' time. I can't decide whether am I nervous or not. Probably nervous.
I knew I would have trouble sleeping the night before, so last night, I drank a fair bit of alcohol to help myself fall asleep. And yes, it helped me fall asleep, but I woke up at about 4am and could not get back into the "deep sleep" phase. The same thing has happened before in the past. Maybe I should reconsider using alcohol as a sleeping aid.
Anyway, I got a call about 30 minutes ago from a company that I applied for a job with. It was a short phone interview that they conduct before selecting candidates for an interview. Putting together my nervous frame of mind for my driving test later, my semi-lack of sleep and the surprise factor in getting the call, I was a complete wreck. I had to think and talk at the same time, to make sure I didn't sound like an ass and to make sure I said what they wanted to hear.
I'm not sure how it went. I think it went okay. The lady on the line said they would arrange an interview with the short-listed candidates within 2 weeks and that my chances were good. But of course, that could very well be a standard closing.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
^^^ by Locksley @ 11:30 AM.
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