Wednesday, October 17, 2007  

[Idiotic guest lecturers...]

This is my final semester in NUS. On the whole, I've had a pretty enjoyable time. I was worried, however, that the problems and unpleasant experience I've had with my HYP thus far would over-shadow the experience of my time in NUS. But now, there's another contender.

Idiotic guest lecturers.

In my previous semesters, the guest lecturers I've encountered were mostly terrible. Their material is boring, they don't know how to give a lecture and they were just wasting time - both their's and our's.

This semester, so far, I've encountered a judge (yes, a judge) that made fun of students during Q & A sessions, and the best part was that most of the students had no idea and actually laughed along. I've encountered a senile "fun-loving", high-ranking executive from a Government agency whose lectures over-dramatised computer crimes (as if we didn't have that already from Hollywood) and when he shared what his "business unit" was working on, I nearly died from disbelief because I couldn't believe they spent tax-payers' money reinventing the wheel, working on something that would never be adopted. And they were really proud of it too.

But the jackass guest lecturer I met today takes the cake.

He thinks very highly of himself, got his facts wrong, humiliates students during tutorials, and was as smug as can be. New-flash! If you get hit by someone's fist, you'd lose teeth like everyone else. Look at the way he's seated during the tutorial session:

He was sitting on the tables, leaning backwards with his hands supporting him behind in a swimsuit calendar sort of pose. What an absolute wank.

And he got some very basic facts wrong, which shows his lack of understanding on some very well-established computer security concepts. He said that a limitation of SSL was that it only protects data while in transit and not on the host systems. Hello? SSL was never meant to protect data on host systems in the first place. How is that a limitation?

He then went on to say that the PKI-CA framework was an utter failure (or something to that effect...I was trying to make his brain explode via telekinesis at this point). That's a bold claim, considering how almost all secure transactions online run on SSL which makes use of PKI-CA.

And to top it off, met a really irritating girl. She's not taking the module but joined in with her friends. She was seated in front of me and was talking the entire time. It was really distracting. Good thing she left after an hour or I don't know what I'd have done. In case you're wondering, yes, she was hot. Really hot. But her behaviour pissed me off to no end and made her the ugliest girl in the whole lecture theatre.

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:15 PM. 3 comments.
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ur pics so parapazzi like....
So is STOMP. :P And incidentally, I started doing this before STOMP reared its retarded head.

And as it turns out, my sister actually knows the girl. She recognised her even with face/eyes blackened out. The girl is apparently quite famous (for the right reasons)...
i think u meant infamous...
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