Wednesday, October 31, 2007  


If it seems that I haven't been posting much lately, it's because of my HYP. I'm actually not that swamped by it, but thinking about it, having it on my mind, is affecting me in more ways than one.

For a period of time, I was actually having trouble falling asleep, and I was tired during the day. I ended up drinking coffee or tea during the day to keep awake and drinking wine at night in order to sleep. As it turns out, I'm allergic to alcohol (I've never drank this much before in the past, so I didn't know).

I'm no longer doing that. While I'm still stressed, I think I'm handling it better.

What irks me a bit is that throughout the past three years, I've worked relatively hard to keep my grades up so that I could graduate with a second-upper Honours degree. It's different from when I was in Polytechnic, where I could coast through and get good grades without working too hard.

And after all that more-or-less consistent work for three years, it all boils down to my HYP. It will probably decide whether I graduate with a second-upper or a second-lower degree because I'm very close to the point that separates them.

I sent my supervisor the first draft of my thesis today and it wasn't good. He printed it all out and "marked" it for me. The pages are filled with ink he left behind. Every page. Every single one of them. I've got a lot of editing to do and only 7 days to do it in.

Three years of hard work, and it comes down to what I can accomplish in these 7 days.

God, give me strength.

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:19 PM. 3 comments.
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You can consider yourself lucky as not all supervisor check their student work.

Plus, a week to edit report is also consider lucky (as compare to many).

Think positive :) You are in a much better position than others
Well, he told me that my current draft was "B" standard.

But I did some calculations. If I got a B for HYP and A- or better for Cybercrime and B+ for my other two modules, I can still get my 2nd-upper. Because of this, I'm actually more relaxed now.

Still risky, though.
That is good :)

Actually, for hyp, it is no diff to get B+. This what my supervisor said and I believe it is true (having to seen late submitted work and all hypo fail case and yet manage to get a decent grade)

You will do well de. So, relax :)
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