Thursday, October 04, 2007  


My sister received a call from a private number on Saturday. A Chinese national asked her if she could speak Mandarin, and after my sister said yes, she went on and said that she wanted to conduct a survey on the type of handset my sister was using, etc etc etc. Yeah right. If someone's really conducting a survey in Singapore, no way in hell would they hire someone who couldn't speak English.

Anyway, my sister asked where did she get her number from, and the Chinese national said it was "generated" by the computer. My sister she had no time for this, and the Chinese national replied in a very rude manner chiding her for not mentioning this earlier and hung up on my sister.

One minute later, I got the same call. Computer "generated" numbers my ass. They were going down the list, my number's two digits away from my sister's. When they asked if I could speak Mandarin. I said no. Then she mumbled something and hung up.

10 minutes ago, both me and my sister got the call again. Same woman, same question. And I gave the same reply.

I wonder if the Chinese national realised how silly she really is. She asked if I understood Mandarin. I said no. If I didn't understand Mandarin, how could I say no?

Anyway, has anyone else actually talked to them? What are they scamming selling?

I don't know why, but I get annoyed whenever I see people do this:

A little carbon monoxide won't kill you. If you're so worried, go live in a bubble. In fact, that fabric you're holding up to your nose isn't going to filter the CO. The same goes for tissue, your hand, and whatever other nonsense you can think of to hold up to your nose while crossing the road.

^^^ by Locksley @ 2:35 PM. 3 comments.
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i just hang up the phone the moment i heard a chinese accent from a private number asking me stuff.

Some people selling/giving away home entertainment systems also tried scamming me. Twice in a week.
those cheena ppl again out to scam us..
got a call today also!!!
next time i'll say my name is mao zedong.

i hate the speaker scam also..

nigerian scam is fun. I like to play with them
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