Tuesday, September 25, 2007  

[What's that again?]

Keith sent me this picture he took of a hawker's signboard.

They're selling bumkin soup and basied duck. Bumkin. Hahaha! In any case, I don't think 老黄瓜 is pumpkin.

^^^ by Locksley @ 7:48 PM. 10 comments.
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haha.. very interesting..
wheres that?
We'll have to wait till Keith drops by to enlighten us. :D
basement of golden mile tower.
Notice that it says 'tomorrow's soup' on top and 'soup of the day' below
I noticed that, but forgot to write about it. Yeah, it's weird. So is it tomorrow's soup or today's soup? LOL...
i even see based duck...

Actually it's basied duck. When I reduced the picture the "i" got lost.
maybe they mean biased duck lo..
I think it's supposed to be braised duck. Like the legendary combat ration.
combat ration one is bruised duck lo..
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