It's a compilation of the top 20 finishing moves in wrestling. Here's what they are:
20 - CM Punk's Go To Sleep. Pretty cool, should be higher up on the list if you ask me. Everytime he does it, it's a nose-breaking incident waiting to happen.
19 - Brock Lesnar's F5. An okay move. I don't particularly like or hate it.
18 - Abyss' Black Hole Slam. I like this move. When he does this on smaller and more agile guys, he's actually able to spin them around more.
17 - Kennedy's Green Bay Plunge. Silly move.
16 - Rey Mysterio Jr's 619. Yes, it's a silly move too, but I never get tired of watching it.
15 - Undertaker's Last Ride. He doesn't do this anymore. If he did, I think it would be only a matter of time before someone loses their tights...Not to mention getting a wedgie.
14 - Randy Orton's RKO. I like this move, although it's a very simple move. He can pull it out of nowhere and you won't see it coming.
13 - The Rock's Rock Bottom. Crap move. Same goes for Booker T's version. Don't get me started on The People's Elbow...
12 - Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb. I never get tired of watching this neither.
11 - AJ Styles' Spiral Tap. Honestly, I felt that this move deserved to be higher on the list. This move is sweet.
10 - Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music. He's been using this forever, but the fans still go apeshit over it.
9 - AJ Styles' Styles Clash. Yup, AJ's the only one with two moves on the list. I don't like this move much to be honest.
8 - Rob Van Dam's 5 Star Frog-Splash. For someone with RVD's talent, I thought he'd pick a more unique finisher.
7 - Steve Austin's Stone Cold Stunner. Crap move. You know it's coming when he kicks the other guy.
6 - John Morrison's Corkscrew Neckbreaker. I like Morrison. He has some cool moves and moves very fast for a big guy.
5 - Kaz's Flux Capacitor. It's cool, but I don't think it's very smooth. By the time he attempts this move, it's usually late in the match and he's worn out.
4 - Monty Brown's Pounce. This is the worst finisher on the list, hands down. I don't know how it ended up on number 4. This happens all the time on the football pitch.
3 - 720 DDT. I've never seen this move until this video. It's cool and I think it's not easy to pull it off. Both guys must really be in sync.
2 - C4. I've only seen this move done by this pirate character on WWE, who's name escapes me at the moment. I thought it was cool, but it was an accident waiting to happen.
1 - Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer. Deserving of the number 1 spot. I first saw this move a long time ago, when Subby introduced me to TNA's X-Division. I remember feeling kinda sick when I saw it. They call it the most devastating move in professional wrestling and I don't disagree.
FU is a F5 ripoff, besides it's a just a fireman lift slam. Now if he slams it the other way, it because a Death Valley Driver, which the victim's head lands first, now we're talking.. =p
I remember the Rock sell the stunner damn well, flopping around like a fish out of water..
It's the POOOOUNCCAAH.. and yes it's crap.
C4 is impressive but like the Canadian Destroyer, needs coordination with the victim.
Great list!
^^^ posted by SubSanity @ Sun Sep 16, 03:26:00 PM.
*it becomes.
I think WWE pretty much bans any moves where the dude lands on his head.. Does Taker still do his Tombstone Piledriver anymore?
^^^ posted by SubSanity @ Sun Sep 16, 03:26:00 PM.
Yes he does, but he basically lands on his knees instead of that guy's head/neck.
His knees are going to be so busted when he gets older, landing on them with so much force all the time. Not to mention that move he likes to sell by running into the steps and doing a flip-over. Can't be good for the knees.
christian sells that move all the time in TNA ROFL
The nastiest move ever would probably be a double underhook piledriver. You set the guy up in the double underhook ALA Pedigree. Lift him up til his legs are vertical then down you go.
more or less like gringo/cop killa which is like a reverse double underhook.
^^^ posted by SubSanity @ Wed Sep 19, 09:11:00 PM.
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