Saturday, September 29, 2007  

[Too smart for its own good...]

One complaint when it came to using Microsoft Office was that very often, it's too smart for its own good. The people at Microsoft tried to guess what you want to do, usually with disastrous results. Or sometimes, they think that there's only one way to get things done.

My biggest bugbear with Word 2003 is that they only allow you to start page numbers on either pages 1 or 2. You can begin page numbers on pages 3 and beyond, but that would require the use of section breaks which no sane person can figure out. Not to mention screwing up your formatting in the process.

Another thing I hate about Word 2003 is the spell-check. It sucks. Seriously sucks. Google Toolbar's spell-check is a hundred times better. And why does Word keep insisting that the language I'm using is French?

I was doing a summary for one of my modules, covering the major topics that has been covered (so it's easier for me to find the information during my mid-term) when Word threw a new piece of WTF at me.

Read it and weep. "What will you be expected to do" is wrong. Word thinks it should be "what will you are expected to do".

I don't know if this feature has improved in the newer versions, but I think they should just trash this feature. Not at all useful to begin with. And if we all follow it, everything we write will sound the same.

^^^ by Locksley @ 3:57 PM. 1 comments.
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I know of many people who can't set the page number right with the header/footer... guess its not friendly enough? :P
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