Friday, September 28, 2007  

[I want a new toy...]

I came into some money recently, and as always, started thinking of ways to spend it.

I'm thinking of getting a new phone. I need one that can do it all - the usual phone functions, together with MP3 player features, as well as a big enough screen and can play full-screen videos at an acceptable quality. And it would be a plus if it could take a SDHC memory card.

And I really really want it to be a clam-shell. After switching my Nokia 6131 clam-shell for my sister's 6288, I realise I really miss the design. The functions were basically the same.

So HTC's Touch is basically out, even though it could do all of the things I've mentioned and was really cheap for a WM6 device. Another reason I didn't want it is that I would have to re-learn how to use it all over again, seeing how I've only used Nokia phones and Touch is running on Windows Mobile.

Currently, the only clam-shell in the market by Nokia is the N76, the Motorola clone. It's a Series 60 phone, so most likely it would be powerful enough to play videos (my 6288 now sometimes hangs while playing long videos). But I don't like the design of the N76.

I guess all I can do now is wait for something I fancy to come along.

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:10 AM. 8 comments.
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what about trying those made in China phones?
From the Chatterbox sub-forum? :D
iphone even throws in youtube viewing
Phones running on Windows Mobile have been able to do that for a while already. :P
how bout vertu?

btw, can i link to ur blog from mine?
get something with a powerful camera. So you can record videos and take good pictures of idiotic people. your new phone shd compliment your blog.
Fireopal: Sure, go ahead. :)

Keith: Yeah, after using a phone with a decent 2.0MP camera, it would be hard to settle for anything less. But the thing is, nowadays, phones have big screens and when you take a picture, the whole screen becomes like a viewfinder. That can be a problem when you're trying to take pictures on the sly as people around you can see what you're doing.
linked to u..
my humble blog add is
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