Saturday, August 04, 2007
[Rage dreams...]
I had another one last night. I don't know what they're called. I call them rage dreams.
I have them somewhat...often. Maybe it's because when I wake up from them, I tend to still be in a rage and hence I remember them more vividly than I do my other dreams. I would usually be in a foul mood for at least the first half of the day when I wake up from such dreams. I don't know why. Maybe it's finding out that all that all the venting...wasn't real.
Sometimes these rage dreams are due to accumulated stress over something or someone that I have had for a long time. Sometimes it's due to something that happened during the day. Last night's rage was probably due to something that happened yesterday.
There was a reason for me to be angry yesterday. But I suppressed it. I didn't get mad. Maybe that's where all the "mad" went - into my dreams.
It feels good during the dream when you're taking it out on something. Or someone. Feels like crap after because I realise it wasn't real.
^^^ by Locksley @ 11:42 AM.
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