Monday, August 06, 2007  

[My my...Aren't we exclusive?]

Most of the emails I receive everyday gets deleted. That goes for both my personal as well as my school email accounts.

I get the NUSSU (NUS Student Union) newsletter in my school email account once in a while. For the past 2 and a half years, I've not really read any of the newsletters nor clicked on any of the links in it. Why? All unions in Singapore are toothless. That includes student unions. So, why bother?

I received a new copy of the newsletter today and I clicked on a link for the first time. Which brought me to this (you can click to see a bigger version):

Login? Where?

Oh, at the bottom of the page.

Here's what I think:
  1. The genius who put the login form at the bottom of the page should be shot.
  2. One of the concerns of a school newsletter (especially email) would be whether or not students even read the stuff they put out. And here they are, wanting you to register before you can have access to the articles. What's an additional step to people without a life who reads school newsletters, eh?
  3. The dead genius should be shot again. Just in case. The gene pool needs chlorine as it is, let's not allow someone to pee in it.
  4. White words on black? What are we? 12 and using the Internet for the first time? Look at me, I'm so emo I need to have white words on a black background instead. Society wants black words on white backgrounds but I would have none of it.

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:55 AM. 2 comments.
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Need to register to read de ma? I juz click and read leh.. then after that I become O_O . White on black bg sucks. I usually zoom for the freebies.. but grew tired of it because it's the same things ALL the time. It's either NUSSU is damn poor or damn kiam.. .or it's just that they can't get rid of those things...Hurhur. and some of the articles are so unprof and so biased -shrugs-
I found out later from my sister that some of the articles did not require login and some did.

Just my luck that the two articles I clicked on both required logging in.
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