Thursday, July 19, 2007  


I've been kinda moody for the last couple of days.

I've been having a lot of problems with my HYP. I won't go into the details because no one would be interested in that (and I don't want Subby telling me my blog entries were boring). What I feel when I'm (trying to) work on my HYP is the same feeling I got when I was in secondary school when I was dealing with my additional maths - numb.

I don't know what to do. The most sensible advice at this point would be to ask someone. Have you ever not known what to do, and at the same time don't know what questions to ask? That's rock-bottom. Not knowing what to do nor ask.

I take comfort in the fact that a friend of mine had a mountain of problems during her HYP, but ended up with a very decent grade. But from past experiences, I can safely say that fairy-tale endings don't seem to like me very much.

Most people aren't all that stressed in their final year/semester. I am extremely stressed because I'm currently at the edge of second-upper, and if my HYP went badly, I could easily end up with a second-lower which makes a world of difference. To be honest, based on my efforts throughout the past semesters, I really feel that I am deserving of a second-upper standing (lest a very weak one).

It'd be hard to swallow if all the effort throughout the past semesters were undone by a stupid HYP that adds no real practical value to my degree.

^^^ by Locksley @ 12:07 AM. 0 comments.
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