Sunday, July 29, 2007  

[Something's pulling my blanket...]

I had trouble sleeping last night. Not too sure why, because there wasn't really anything on my mind. But I was just lying there, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep.

Suddenly, I realise something's pulling my blanket.

My bed's next to a wall, on my left when I'm in it. I get into bed on the right side and that was where the pulling force was from. It feels like whoever's pulling my blanket was on lower ground, probably on the floor.

The first time round, I was totally unprepared and my blanket went onto the floor. I reached over (eyes half closed) and pulled it back from the floor. I then put my hands under my blanket and held on to it really right.

The pulling continued.

It was like a tug of war, just no movement at all. No jerks, no rest-for-a-moment-and-pull-again, just a constant, uniform pulling force. Shit...What's going on? Was there "something" in my bedroom with me?

For some reason, while I didn't feel fearful, I also did not want to check the source of the pulling. I just laid there, holding my blanket tight and hoping it would go away.

Finally, I told myself, enough is enough. I got up to have a look at what's going on.

At that moment, I "woke up". It was actually a dream. I knew it was a dream when I woke up because I wasn't hanging on to my blanket at all. In fact, one of my hands was above my head. I usually dream only when I'm in deep sleep and I don't think I could actually make decisions in my dreams. This time, it was different. I wasn't in deep sleep. But I dreamt and I was able to make decisions. It was very real, more real than most of my other dreams.

^^^ by Locksley @ 11:23 AM. 1 comments.
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eeks.that made me shudder man.
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