Monday, April 09, 2007
[A million thoughts in my mind...]
I woke up early today to accompany my parents to the hospital. My Mum's having her cataracts removed. It's a routine procedure for the doctors, and it was just day surgery so it was considered a very minor operation. But I think there's no such thing as a "minor operation" when your family members are involved.
While waiting for her to be wheeled out from the OR, I walked around the corridors a bit. My Mum was in this cluster of ORs where the minor operations were performed, and there was no drama in the waiting area. In fact, one of the people waiting there was the proud father of new-born twins.
However, some way down the corridor, it was a different story. That was where the very serious operations were performed, and each patient's family had one "waiting area". There were people crying, hugging, etc. Just like on TV. Except that when you see it in person, it's a lot more real. I didn't stay long there.
So my Mum came out and everything was fine. The procedure took longer than expected because one of the doctors was late. We reached home without much fanfare at about 4pm. After a shower, I took a nap because I was really tired, having slept rather late the night before and woke up rather early to accompany my parents to the hospital. I planned to get started on some remaining project work after that.
Then it went nuts from there.
I was woken up by my Dad a while later. My paternal grandmother had passed away.
It came as a shock to all of us. She was fine, fit, and had no illness. She basically took a nap and never woke up. Her day was totally normal. In fact, she went out to buy bread and bought Toto in the morning. There were no signs that it was coming. Her mind was clear and her voice was loud and very strong.
We went over immediately. Personally, I've never been close to her, so it didn't really affect me a lot. I was sad, sure, but I wasn't about to lose it and cry or anything. The adults, especially some of the daughters (my aunts), were badly affected as they just visited her yesterday and everything was fine.
Now there's a hundred and one things on my mind. The wake, my outstanding project work, and my impending exams. I don't know how am I going to sleep tonight.
When I got home, I saw that the AJ Styles DVD I ordered arrived today. I was really looking forward to it.
Now it didn't seem all that important.
^^^ by Locksley @ 11:47 PM.
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