Sunday, March 11, 2007  


Most of the time, a single person would find something either funny or disgusting. Seldom both. Probably cause the two emotions were very far apart.

This video made me feel both at the same time. Go ahead, watch it. Then prepare to laugh and puke at the same time.

Then blame Keith for giving me the link. Notice her looking at what she dug out and rolling it about.

And before some holier-than-thou person comes along to say that everyone does this...Yes, perhaps we do. But most of us don't do it on the train in public, opposite someone with a camera phone who happened to be holding it up.

Oh, and did anyone notice that she's taking up 2 seats? Not that anyone would want to sit next to her and risk getting...Stuck on.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:07 PM. 0 comments.
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