Thursday, February 08, 2007
[Help help! The ice is melting!]
I went to the Career Fair today with YQ. Sure, I wasn't going to graduate this semester, but it'd be useful to know what are the jobs out there right now for fresh graduates. Talked to some of the people manning the booths, and learnt some interesting things. For one, Republic Polytechnic was willing to accept fresh graduates as lecturers academic staff. They don't teach in the traditional sense of the word, so they don't use the "lecturer" label. But at the end of the say, everyone is saying that their company was the best, hired only the best, and pay the best salaries. In a way, they're just blowing smoke up our asses.
I did see this guy at the fair. Look at his bag. Doesn't that bring back memories? This was the type of bag that was very popular when I was in primary school. You can't find it anymore. In secondary school, it was the "Outdoor" branded bags, with the ah-lians carrying the extremely small version, carried very high up on their backs. In polytechnic, I think it was the age of the Deuter biking bags (with the "breathable" mesh). Right now, I'm pretty sure it's the age of Crumpler. And backpacks are kinda passe (especially for girls). Most people carry sling-bags now.
The muslim stall in the Science canteen underwent a revamp during the holidays. They now have a wider offering and a new signboard to go with it. What I found amusing was that the "set meal dishes" listed on the menu were not inclusive of rice. Huh? Considering how rice is a staple for practically all the races here, how is that still a set meal?
I went for the "An Inconvenient Truth" screening after school. It was a packed LT.
And a girl was eating McDonald's for dinner inside the LT. We're really not supposed to do that...But it happens.
^^^ by Locksley @ 10:50 PM.
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