Friday, January 05, 2007  


I set out to get several things done this past month, during the month-long vacation. I'm proud sad to say, I haven't done any of it. I planned to get started on my HYP, by reading some papers to see which way I should be headed. Didn't happen. I wanted to see a doctor about my back (the discomfort I feel is starting to affect my quality-of-life). Didn't happen. I wanted to get in shape and hopefully pass IPPT in my next window. Didn't happen.

What did happen:
  1. Installed Vampire, The Masquerade: Bloodlines. I got this game way back in 2004 but couldn't play it back then. I finally can, with my new rig. It's a bitching game, despite some bugs here and there.
  2. Crap...I think that's it.
School starts on Monday. Eeks. I have two days to get some readings done...Like that's gonna happen.

^^^ by Locksley @ 12:52 PM. 0 comments.
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