Friday, January 19, 2007
[And so it begins...]
This is the third time I'm composing this entry. I deleted everything the other two times halfway, because I didn't know how to continue. Let's see if third time's the charm.
This is my final year in NUS, and I need to complete my HYP. A fancy name for a research project. Students from the batch after mine can choose to either do the HYP or take three level-4 modules in place of it. If I had a choice, I would rather take the three modules. I think taking more modules would be of more use (exposure) to me in the future, but whatever.
I had my first official meeting my supervisor today. It was actually a combined meeting with all of his students. Five of whom were halfway through, five of whom were just starting (including myself). And I was the only one with the insane workload of four modules each semester (without HYP).
His purpose in calling for a combined meeting was, of course, to save time. That I understand. My supervisor has an extremely tough schedule this semester, but that's a whole other issue. What he wanted also, was for the new guys to meet each other so that somewhere down the line, we could maybe "help" one another. He also wanted us to sit in and see what was going on with those who were halfway through, so that we could know what to expect.
I was kinda tickled when he said we could "help" one another. I feel that the trend in NUS is such that students on the same curve sometimes tend not to want to help each other. Personally, I would help close friends whether or not we were on the same curve but I couldn't give a shit about people I don't really know or people I don't like whether or not we were on the same curve. My supervisor said that there were about twelve IS/EC students starting their HYPs this semester. Looking at the other four students, I thought, that's almost half my competition (this was later also pointed out by one of the others, in a joking manner).
I didn't really know any of the other four, although I've seen them around. See, the thing about me is, I tend to make my impression of people I do not know based on how they look (superficial, I know), the way they conduct themselves, and the way they behave. One of them straight up, pisses me off.
That aside, I had a better understanding of the whole HYP process. After which, I talked a little to my supervisor about a topic I was interested in. Unfortunately, it turns out that it really wasn't a HYP/research-type of topic, and looks like I have to lump it. I can easily think of a safe, traditional topic, but I really wanted something a little more exciting. Well, we'll see how it goes. Truth be told, I'm starting to be concerned about the whole HYP experience...
Saw my aunt in NUS today. It was the second time I saw her. She's working as a lab technician in the Engineering faculty. The first time she was too far away for me to say hi. Today we practically ran into each other. And my sister was with me (we had a tutorial together before that). What a coincidence. Everyone's at the same place at the same time.
Bought a UV sterilizer today. I've always had problems with green water in my fish-tank, except for the time I had a bare-bottom tank. Anyhow, a UV sterilizer is supposed to kill all the free-floating algae that causes green water. I was on a budget and wasn't using a canister filter (most UV sterilizers were designed to work with a canister filter), which made selection difficult. I finally decided on one...And when I got home I realised the UV tube wasn't user serviceable (most allow you to change the tube yourself when it burnt out). When the tube burnt out, I'm supposed to buy another attachment (tube inside) to replace it. Not too sure if I could easily find the attachment for sale.
As I was composing this entry, my sister returned from yoga class, all excited at learning a new tough position. She excitedly showed us what it was, as our mother went on and on about being careful not to break snap any bones doing it.
This was the position:
It seems that my sister had trouble with it, and the instructor had to come and help her. I said it didn't look hard, and she dared me to do it.
And I did (insert smug look). She was impressed. I wasn't surprised, I've always been flexible. I remember back in secondary school, I was one of the few boys in my class who could get full marks during the NAPFA test for sit and reach.
^^^ by Locksley @ 9:32 PM.
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