Tuesday, January 23, 2007  

[Air instruments...]

I bought a new phone for myself yesterday, a Nokia 6131. I've been eyeing it ever since it was released, about a year ago. It was basically an improved version of my 6170. What I liked about it was the 1.3 mega-pixel camera and that I could put in additional memory. Hence, it replaced my MP3 player.

I went down to SLS to buy a microSD card for my new phone. YQ came along as he needed to get ink for his printer. We came across two of the most irritating people I've ever met on public transport.

We were seated at the last row of the bus, on the right side. On our left were two guys. You know how irritating it is when people blast music from their phones or MP3 players on the bus? These guys took it to a whole other level.

They connected their MP3 player to a pair of powered speakers.

Okay, I'm not sure if the speakers were powered, I didn't see it, YQ did. But judging by the din it made, I'm sure it was powered. It was so loud that YQ and I had to shout to each other in order to converse.

As if the music wasn't bad enough, the guy in black decided to play a set of imaginary drums (hence the blurry hands) to the music from the speakers. He may think he was cool, but I thought he was an ass. People who play air instruments are probably the lamest people, ever.

You would think that the guy in black has done enough to make a nuisance of himself for one day. Nope, he's not done, not by a long shot. His phone rang next, and he had a lovey-dovey conversation with whom I'd assume was his girlfriend or something. He was loud, I could hear everything he said. Yes, that meant he was loud enough to drown out his speakers (maybe he turned them down, I'm not sure).

After he was done, he went back to his imaginary drums. After which, his friend in white decided that it was his turn to make a fool of himself. He started singing along to the song that was playing on his god-damned speakers. And yes, he was loud.

I honestly don't know what's wrong with these people. Were they born this way, or did their parents not teach them basic manners? And after oh-so-many people have been shamed on STOMP, they still keep on coming.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:35 PM. 7 comments.
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must be 'muds. i'm sorry if i'm racist or something (i'm ok with my own frens) .. but SERIOUSLY LAH. the majority of them just gives me a helluva bad impression. tsk .
you shd have recorded it and posted the audio file.. :p
yah lah.. haha post every encounter on youtube. have a youtube section in ur blog.
I did take a video of them. But the noise they made wasn't "directed" at the phone's mic and therefore could not be captured. The only audio that was captured was the conversation between me and YQ.

Anyway, they were Chinese. They actually had another "accomplice" in the seat in front of them, but she's not really worth mentioning.

I'm still getting used to the location of the camera on my new phone. For my old one, I could take pictures most of the time in very "covert" positions. This is the first time I used my new phone's camera for this purpose. If not for YQ's help, the picture would not be possible. :P
you shd get the phones with the rotating camera.. tht would allow u to film in stealth mode..
chinese?! disgrace lah! i tot onli 'muds do that . LOL
go get yourself an etymotic er-6i. it's blissful to hear just your music and nothing (well... almost) else.
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