Wednesday, December 20, 2006
[Keep on keepin' on...]
Like most other people during the school term, I couldn't wait for the holidays to begin. And during the holidays, I wished for the school term to begin.
On the whole, I'm satisfied with how things went in school this year. I pulled my CAP up in the first semester of this year, and maintained it at the same level this past semester. Yeah, the results were not officially released yet, but it was leaked (just like the previous time) and I already know my results.
The next calendar year would be my last year in NUS. I'd be working on my HYP throughout. In fact, I tried to arrange a meeting with my supervisor to discuss getting started and I think he was kinda surprised at that. He didn't expect me to want to start this early I think. Oh well....I'm writing a thesis for 12 MCs, I think it's better to work consistently on it rather than to rush through it during the final 3 months. Yes, there are people who do that.
All the things we said we would do during the holidays...We haven't done any of it. Ironically, I've spent more time with old friends than with those in NUS thus far. The weather is partly to blame. I don't think any of us would entertain the thought of going cycling on Ubin or going to the (sorry excuse for a) beach with the weather the way it's been for the last few days.
The bidding for next semester's modules begin on the 26th. I haven't really planned my modules yet. I roughly know what I'm going to take, but I haven't seen the module listing for the next semester. Guess I'll do so over the weekend.
This may be too early for one of those end-of-year-taking-stock entries, but the way this entry went, it sure sounds like one. This year kinda sucked. Hopefully the next year would be better. Hope...Even when you've got nothing left, you can still hope. You can only hope.
^^^ by Locksley @ 11:30 AM.
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