Saturday, November 25, 2006
[What did you expect?]
There has been some interesting news from across the Causeway as of late. As it seems, the minorities are not happy with the bumiputra rights. It's escalated to the point where leaders have to "threaten" the minorities not to question the bumiputra rights or the national religion.
What a surprise. No wait, it's not.
Let's call the bumiputra policies for what it really is - state sponsored racial discrimination. Why should the minorities be punished just because the majority...sucked?
Of course, what's going on across the Causeway doesn't really affect us in Singapore. Not directly anyway. I've had a good laugh in recent weeks at Mahathir's senility. Or stupidity. Whatever. But we are surrounded by Muslim countries, and it pays to keep an eye on our region.
And for those of you who caught the latest episode of Survivor: Cook Islands, isn't it nice to see people who were blind-sided/outplayed get pissed and swear during their farewell speech? Curse and swear all you want, you're still going home.
^^^ by Locksley @ 1:44 PM.
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