Wednesday, November 01, 2006  

[The colours of the rainbow...]

One of the girls in my lecture class today came in with a new look.

Rainbow coloured hair extensions! I was wondering at first if they were hair extensions or if she tied something under her hair. JF said they looked like hair extensions, and she helped me take the photo above because I was seated too far away to get a clear shot. By the way, that's not a flowing lock of hair extensions. They're in clumps, each with a different colour. So yes, lots of empty space in between different colours. The extensions scream LOOK-AT-ME...

But unfortunately, there really wasn't much to look at.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:22 PM. 2 comments.
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Haha for your info, PRCs in our class are daring in their fashion sense.
Yeah, I know. I didn't want to bring the whole PRC thing into it, because it's not politically-correct.

I know, there's this other PRC girl with the "lion king" haircut who dresses in a very provocative fashion. Likes to bare her back when it's ever so hairy....
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