Sunday, October 22, 2006  

[Musical masterpiece...]

I read the following on LOP, and then visited and found the actual article. Here's the funny part:
In addition, Jonathan Coachman has released the following statement to

"I am pleased to announce on behalf of Mr. McMahon that WWE will have the distinct privilege of promoting Kevin Federline’s new album 'Playing with Fire'. I have listened to the album, and I can assure you that it is nothing short of a musical masterpiece."
I wonder if Coachman managed to say that with a straight face. If it's such a "musical masterpiece", why did WWE end up with the "distinct privilege" of promoting it? It's more likely that Mr. Britney Spears couldn't find anyone willing to be associated with him.

What's the matter with white folks nowadays? So many of them are trying to be black. K-Fed? Seriously, whoever thought that up should be shot. Twice. Just to be sure.

^^^ by Locksley @ 1:43 PM. 0 comments.
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