Tuesday, October 10, 2006
[Losing focus...]
Had a lot of things on my mind lately. So, what else is new, right? Heh. You can always tell when my mind isn't 100% when you see me write very little in an entry where I'm supposed to make fun of strangers, like my previous entry.
I'm going to stop for a moment to analyse what's been going on. On the whole, even with all the things on my mind and my semi-burnt-out-ness, I'm still coping and have been able to get work done.
School-wise, good news and bad news. Good news, the time has come to ballot for my Honours Year Project. Okay, that's not the good news, not really. I was asked not to talk about it, so I won't. Basically, things are good on the HYP front. Given a choice, I'd rather take 3 modules than do a HYP because I think I'd learn more that way. I believe in breadth, and not too much depth. At least whatever I learn from my HYP (as things stand) may come in useful if I pursue what I hope to pursue. We'll see. Not gonna lie, I'm very stressed regarding my HYP, and I haven't even started it yet. I've heard nothing but horror stories, thus far. From being scolded week after week, to being asked to redo the same piece of work over and over. Someone I know was in a bad place due to this. What's it all for? Not worth it, if you ask me.
The bad news. I was tore to pieces by the FNA mid-term today. I hate it when they teach you level-1 knowledge in a module, and expect you to answer level-2 questions. Oh well, shit happens. Fingers crossed that my score won't be below the average score.
Some not-so-good news. I'm totally behind on my political science module. Yeah, I threw an SU at it, so there shouldn't be any problems. But I haven't read any of the readings since week 2. I'm so screwed, and I know it.
My aquarium. Shit...I don't know what I'm doing wrong. BBA's not stopped at all, coming back with a vengeance. The shrimps I dropped it aren't doing too good. Most likely they'd all die again. If I can't get it right by December, I'm gonna tear it down and switch to a shrimp tank. Yep, just shrimps. No more plants. Maybe no gravel. Save me the headache.
My personal life. To put it simply, I don't have one. There's a hole that needs filling. Can't remember if I used this in a previous entry, but no expectations = no disappointments. Easier said than done.
Jill: Don't know if you're reading this...I tried leaving a comment last time, didn't work, need to register or something. Never did try again. And since you removed your tag-board, I haven't anywhere else to say this. Sorry about your loss. Folks tend to say all sorts of things that they think will help you get through this tough time. I think that's bullshit. No amount of words will make it better. So I'm not even going to try. Time will make it better. (I realised I just did what I said was bullshit)
^^^ by Locksley @ 10:12 PM.
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