Thursday, October 19, 2006  

[Fast & Furious Hokkien Drift]

This is funny, if you understand hokkien. Not laugh-out-loud funny, but it did make me smile.

Credit to my sister for telling me about it.

And proof that two heads are better than one...My sister came in and saw my MSN a while ago. She asked me if I understood what the display name of one of my contacts meant. I've had the contact on my list for more than a year, and I had no idea what she's trying to spell out using ASCII. My sister asked me what her name was, and she promptly deciphered it in 1 second. It was her name, upside-down. So there you have it. My sister figured out something in 1 second, which I couldn't for over a year.

One more nice thing about Blogger Beta: When someone leaves a comment and you're notified via email, it now tells you on which entry was the comment left behind. In the past, you had to "hunt" for it.

^^^ by Locksley @ 10:39 PM. 0 comments.
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