Wednesday, October 18, 2006
[Because I'm nosy...]
The following happened today in the lift on my way home:
A mother and her daughter (in pre-school uniform) entered the lift with me. I reached over to press the button for my floor, and the mother pressed it for me. Daughter: 妈咪,你懂他住几楼啊? (Translated: Mummy, how did you know which floor he lives on?) Mother: 你不知道Mummy很kay-poh的meh? (Translated: Don't you know your mother's very nosy?) They then reached their floor, and walked out.
Honestly, you can't make such things up. I have no idea whatsoever who she was. News travel fast on the housewives' information super-highway.
On another note, I think I've figured out the whole how-to-incorporate-labels-without-using-the-new-layout-feature issue. Too much work. I'm just going to wait for them to launch the new Blogger for real before I incorporate it.
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:28 PM.
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