Monday, August 07, 2006
[A million thoughts in my head...]
School starts next week, and right now, I have a ton of things on my mind.
First up, I applied for a financial package from NUS, and was offered an "allowance" every semester, among some other things. It never occurred to me that the "allowance" was a loan and had to be repaid. I just found out that it was, in fact, a loan. Maybe it's just me, but when I saw:"NUS Study Loan of 20% tuition fee payable & $X annual living allowance." I thought we only had to repay the 20% tuition fee. I had always thought that "allowances" in such instances need not be repaid. And now there's conflicting info on whether or not interest would be charged on the amount owed. I already owe a shitload of money to the banks as it is (the other 80%), now I also owe money to NUS. Great.
Next up, I'm taking a module with several of my friends this semester. It's complicated, but in the beginning it was better for me to take a different lecture class from them. Now it doesn't matter anymore, and I'm trying to switch to the same lecture class as them. I couldn't though, because that module isn't open to returning students from SoC this current round. Crap. Good thing I had a friend check it for me before I dropped it. Hopefully, slots would open up on Friday and I can make the switch. It's not really a big deal, I could just as easily go for the same class as my friends, but I want to make the switch official so that I can ballot for tutorials at my old lecture timing.
The whole episode about trying to change my lecture class timing is due to my dropping of two modules which I had intended to take. I've changed my mind, and chose another two modules to replace them. The replacement modules are also cross-listed as GEMs, so in theory, they shouldn't be too hard. I'm quite satisfied with my module selection this semester. Nothing seems to be too "heavy". But I've had a nasty surprise when it comes to module workload every semester so far, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Lastly, my aquarium. Everything's dandy, more or less, except for my shrimps. They're mostly dead. The light is off, but I can see 2 dead shrimps lying on the sand. I really liked them...But I haven't been able to breed/keep them ever since I converted to a planted tank.
^^^ by Locksley @ 8:50 PM.
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