Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I usually wake up cranky when I didn't sleep well the night before. So it was weird for me to wake up cranky today, when I slept like a baby during the night. I was so irritable and nearly lost my temper when both my parents decided to each occupy a bathroom when I wanted to take a shower. In order to get as much sleep as I could, I wake up as late as I can, and from waking up to stepping out of my house, there isn't a single wasted moment. It's like clockwork. So not being able to use the bathroom when I needed to would throw my schedule off.
But I managed to keep it in. It was on the bus this morning when I nearly lost it.
This woman came and sat next to me. It was a crowded bus, and she was standing before. I saw her then, and she was reading a book and fanning herself with her bookmark. I remembered wondering how much air could she possibly move with that silly bookmark. And it wasn't even really that hot, since the bus has A/C.
It was when she sat down next to me when the fun really started. All this time, she hasn't stopped fanning herself. That flapping bookmark was irritating the shit out of me by this point. And when she was seated next to me, for some reason, she decided to direct the airflow generated by her little bookmark at my right arm. Other than making my right arm colder than my left, her bookmark kept hitting my arm/sleeve with every fanning action. It was all I could do at this point not to snatch the damn bookmark from her, tear it up and stuff it down her throat.
I guess she did realise after a while that she was fanning a stranger's arm, and decided to fan her brow instead. It's hard to explain, but imagine someone next to you fanning him/herself with a bookmark for a long time. It irritated the hell out of me, and being cranky already didn't help matters any.
When I got off the bus, it was a mad rush to SoC to take the internal shuttle to Business School. I thought I was going to be late, but I got there right on the dot and didn't miss anything (I think).
After the lecture, Aeron gave me a ride back to SoC. There were four of us in the backseat, and when the car navigated a turn, Nana instinctively tried to grab something to keep her balance. Problem was, she tried to grab the door handle. Good thing I saw it in time and managed to stop her. If the door opened while the car was moving, it wouldn't be pretty.
^^^ by Locksley @ 6:06 PM.
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