Thursday, June 29, 2006  

[Learning as I go along...]

I'm back from the FOC I talked about 2 posts ago. I actually left a day early, due to unforeseen circumstances that I'm not going to elaborate on.

I learnt something about myself during the camp, which was great. It's always good to learn something about yourself, good or bad. There's a hundred and one things I could talk/comment on regarding the camp, but I'm not going to. For the first time ever, I'm actually keeping my comments to myself. Mark this day down on your calendars.

I took several photos during the camp, and I'm going to share 2 of them with you.

Not too long ago, there was an increase in cases of people jumping off the MRT (our version of the subway) platform onto the tracks and in the path of the oncoming train as a way of committing suicide. Whoever's in charge decided it was appropriate to put up a sign to discourage suicidal people from talking a flying leap.

I had wanted to take a picture of this sign for the longest time, but I never had my digital camera with me and the camera in my mobile phone could not take a clear picture of the sign, so here it is, finally. I was told that the families of whoever successfully ended their lives by jumping in front of the oncoming train actually has to pay "clean up fees". I feel sick just saying that.

Next up, a picture of the foot of a freshman in my group. He was born with 4 toes on each foot. Picture's grainy, since it was taken at night with my mobile phone camera in night mode.

Did I get you? I managed to get everyone I showed the photo to during the camp. Look carefully. He has all 5 toes. He just has an insane gap between his big toe and his second toe. Last year one of my freshman (who's now one of my closer friends from school) could fold his ear, and this year there's someone with a weird foot. I wonder which weird body part am I going to see if I go again next year. Incidentally, I was assigned the same unit in the block of holiday flats I was in as last year.

^^^ by Locksley @ 9:32 PM. 3 comments.
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hi there, i'm one of rong sheng's closest friend in church.. and i'm just wondering.. do you know what happened when his officers visited him at his house that week? just happened to see your blog while trying to find out whether the police had news..
We were told that the officers couldn't persuade him to go back for ICT. That's all we were told. In fact, up till the out-processing briefing by S3, all of us thought he had obtained deferment.

Just curious, how did you find my blog?
was searching for news on rong sheng, like whether the idiotic guy who knocked him was found.. and i came across your blog. :)
thanks for letting me know.
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