Sunday, May 07, 2006  

[My planted tank....]

Ever since I started keeping fish in January 2004, I've been reading up and doing research regarding what is needed for a planted tank. When I first started out, I made some mistakes, and eventually settled on a tank without gravel because it's cleaner. The first type of gravel I used was a mistake, because it was big and food would get stuck in it, encouraging algae growth and the water actually turned green from the floating algae.

On May 1st, I finally converted my tank to a planted tank. I've done enough research, and was confident that I knew what to do. I took a video of the tank, you can see it below if you wish.

Instead of using a canister filter like most planted tank owners, I used an internal filter. It's cheaper, and for a 2-feet (about 55-60 litres) tank I think it's good enough. I had wanted to get the Fluval 2-Plus, but I couldn't find it so I got the 3-Plus instead. I had to adjust the water flow to the lowest setting, or else there would be a hurricane in my tank. Not to mention all the plants being uprooted.

And instead of getting bottled CO2, I bought the Nutrafin Natural CO2 system. It costs $24, pretty expensive if you consider that all you really get is the bottle, CO2 flipper and the silicon tubing. The yeast they provided was expired, and could not generate any CO2. I added in yeast that I bought myself, and it worked like a charm. Total cost of conversion was about S$80, pretty cheap if you consider that a decent canister filter would cost over S$100.

So far so good. I didn't lose any fishes in the process, although my red cherry shrimp population took a big hit. I had probably about 30-40 (possibly even 50) shrimps (they reproduce like crazy), and I have less than 10 now. Before today, they don't seem to be eating at all. I was resigned to losing them all, until today I finally saw one of them eating. That's great. As long as I have a pair of male and female shrimps, I'm sure their population would grow again, seeing how they lay eggs and reproduce very quickly.

Anyhow, my exams are over, and holidays have began. I haven't really any plans this holiday, except for my ICT and the FOC camp. I'd probably spend most of my free time training and would try to pass my IPPT before ICT. In which case, I may not post as much as before, since nothing much happens when you're bumming around.

^^^ by Locksley @ 7:16 PM. 1 comments.
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Woot, pretty cool! =)
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